ODD or oppositional defiant disorders affects approximately 5% of the population. Unfortunately, experts disagree as to the causes of this condition. Some believe that the cause is genetic because it seems to run in families. While others believe that it is a learned behavior.
Children with ODD seem to have a particular problem with authority figures and this can cause problems at school and in wider society. There is evidence that children with ADHD are more likely to suffer from ODD (60%). Also, it is thought children with ODD can have problems with making friends and maintaining friendships. It is a subconscious behaviour and the child is NOT deliberately saying no or not doing something that is asked.
Hypnotherapy can help with ODD in a number of ways. Firstly by teaching the child how to regulate their anger. Plus coping techniques for stress and anxiety. Every session includes confidence building. This is because children with ADHD and or ODD commonly have low self esteem. Adding positive suggestions for change will help the child to want to behave better. Allowing the subconscious to enjoy and want praise for good behavior.
If you would like to make an appointment, then please feel free to email or use my contact page.
For more information on ODD see: