Commonly asked questions are answered below. If you still have a few, contact me via my contact page.

How does hypnotherapy work?

We all have a very special part of our brains that learns to do things automatically. the best and most effective way to teach this part of our brains to do things differently is to relax our mind and body. when this is one the learning part (subconscious) opens up and learns. The only barrier to change is whether we truly want to make the change or whether our lives will be better off when the change has been made.

How many sessions will I need?

Obviously every problem and every person is different. So this can be answered in averages. The average amount of sessions for nearly everything is 4 sessions. The only exception to this is bedwetting, addiction and phobias which can be achieved in 1 or 2 sessions.

How long is a session?

Every session is approximately one. It is possible to book a session longer than this if you so wish

What to expect in the first session?

The first session will involve explaining about hypnosis and or EMDR. If a history has not been taken via email then this will be done. There will usually be a small amount of EMDR and a small hypnotherapy session done and recorded. You will be asked to listen to the hypnotherapy between sessions.

How long in between sessions?

On average there will be 2 or 3 weeks between sessions. This is so that you will have time to listen to the hypnotherapy and it can start working.

Can everyone be hypnotised?

This is probably the most commonly asked question. Yes, everyone can be hypnotised, if they want to be hypnotised. Every person DOES go into a trance, albeit at different depths. There is only 3% of the population that goes into a trance very deeply at the first attempt, and they feel like they have been asleep and do not remember the session. There is approximately 10% of the population that does into trance quite deeply, but does remember the session and the rest of us fee relaxed and are listening to the hypnotherapist. The good news is that the more you listen to the hypnotherapist, the deeper you go. The more you practice using your imagination the better you become at doing this.

How does EMDR work?

Bilateral stimulation with eye movements from side to side or tapping and or buzzing in the left then right hand stimulates the left and right-hand side of the brain. the two sides of our brain are very different. stimulating them bilaterally helps the brain to process past events so that they begin to feel as if they are in the past and not triggering for us.

How many EMDR sessions do I need?

For complex PTSD the average amount of sessions is 10, but for single PTSD it can be as little as 2 or 3.

Do you use EMDR and Hypnosis together?

Yes both work very well used alongside. If you only have EMDR, you may find that between sessions you may struggle. Consequently, I feel it is crucial to provide clients with hypnosis to listen to, to help with emotional regulation.