If your child is getting regular stomach pain? If there is nothing wrong physically, then the problem may be due to anxiety.
We are all aware that if we feel anxious or nervous, then we get ‘butterflies’ or we feel nauseous. With some individuals, this can feel more severe; in individuals who are hypermobile.
Many children find it difficult to explain if they are feeling anxious and sometimes they are completely unaware of any subconscious worries. The only symptom they may have is stomach aches. This sometimes can be associated with nausea and vomiting The child can then think they are suffering from an illness or are going to sick. This, in turn, can cause more anxiety and worsening symptoms. Fear of being sick can be common.
There is a direct link between anxiety and the stomach. When we are anxious and go into ‘fight or flight’ our bodies borrow some of the energy from our stomach and bowels to make our muscles stronger and faster. Consequently, this diversion of blood can leave us feeling nauseous. It is not unusual to feel like we need to urinate or defecate. These symptoms are completely safe and reversible. Our mind and bodies are just trying to help us and protect us.
Due to the link between our mind and bodies, children can suffer from IBS the same as adults. As mentioned, it is not yet known why some individuals are more prone to these symptoms and there is lots of research currently being carried out (please see my IBS page or the IBS therapists register).
Adults and children with IBS may excessively worry about needing the toilet while out and about. Consequently, they may not leave the house very often, preferring to be close to a toilet.
Treatment focuses on better emotional resilience, soothing the body and training the body with visualization techniques to lessen diarrhoea and constipation. Sessions will be sent to the client to be listened to on a regular basis for several weeks.
It is worth noting that Dawn was trained by the only hypnotherapist in this country every to get his IBS method researched and used in the NHS.
Contact me: Dawn Reynolds-Smith, Hypnotherapist 07910740711 or dawn.hypnotherapy@gmail.com. contact page