

Attention Deficit in Children and Adults

ADHD usually gets diagnosed at school. This is probably due to the fact that children are expected to sit still and concentrate for long periods. Unfortunately, children with inattentive ADHD can get missed. They may appear quiet and in a daydream most of the time, and they struggle with their attention.


Children with ADHD are great at hyperfocus when they are interested in something. They can focus far longer and deeper than anyone without ADHD – they just have to find it interesting. This can be a help and a hindrance. Knowing how to manage this superpower is important.

Hypnotherapy for ADHD

Hypnotherapy can help with focus and reduce anxiety. Children with ADHD inevitably have low self-esteem. Consequently improving confidence is a priority. The average amount of sessions is 4 one hour sessions. There is a gap of 3 to 4 weeks between sessions. Hypnotherapy will be provided for home.

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